

FutureFit.World is my attempt to equip young people with the mindset and means to thrive in the world of today and shape the world of tomorrow.

I'm Geoff, and if you want you can find out more about me and why I'm doing this. It's early days (I started this in June 2023) and I'm figuring it all out as I go. I'd love to hear suggestions for topics you think I should cover, so feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or via email.

Links to other pages on FutureFit.World are shown in blue like this. All other links look like this.

How to think

This section is all about helping you make better decisions:

Technical stuff

FutureFit.World is automatically published whenever I update my notes thanks to a fantastic freely-available script which connects to my personal Obsidian knowledge vault. It took a bit of effort to setup, but it was worthwhile because all of the time I have can now be spent solely on creating (hopefully great) content.