
How can you work with other people to make change happen?

  • #task Introduction for change page. #p/ffw

  • This includes a clear understanding of the barriers to change that must be overcome, along with their root causes and consequences.

  • As the great Donella Meadows said, "You can make a system work better with surprising ease if you can give it more timely, more accurate, more complete information."

  • Inspiration

    • Is everyone inspired by the potential outcome and keen to see it happen?
  • Intention

    • Does everyone have the same destination in mind, and a clear desire to act?
  • Information

    • Does everyone understand what needs to be done, the part they must play, and how to do it?
      • Understanding what needs to be done requires a deep understanding of the system, its barriers to change, and what needs to happen to overcome them.
  • Incentives

    • Are everyone's incentives aligned so that it is in their interests to do what's required?
  • Inputs

    • Does everyone have the resources that they need to succeed?
  • Influence

    • Does everyone have the agency and relationships they need to succeed?
      • This involves being able to make key decisions, and where necessary being able to secure the involvement of others.


Here are some examples of this in practice... TBC

  • #task Examples for change page. #p/ffw